This morning the cold had frozen up some of our lines and seriously depleted our propane.
Snow, schmo! I want to go back to the desert!
A combination of travel notes for our fulltime RV life (yes, we're homeless) and Jane's freelance writing efforts
It's a long story--we're in Albuquerque to see family. Herb's brother is very ill. We're staying at about 5,000 feet above sea level. Right now the temperature is colder here than it is back in Northern Kentucky; we thought we'd escaped winter when we left!
We'll be here until January 5th, hoping not to be snowed in. We saw a few flurries today, mixed with light rain and sleet. Hopefully, we won't be seeing a lot more!
On our initial trip west, we were privileged to see this sunset, also in the Arizona desert. The skies are so blue most days--a blue we seldom saw at home. Threatening skies get our attention as they're so infrequently seen.
We've come to prefer the southwestern desert above cities, crowds and commotion.
For those of you who would cast aspersions on Herb's fishing skills, here's a shot of a lingcod he caught last year off the Mexican coast. It was the largest fish caught on the charter boat that day. He had it filleted (good thing! I'm not into that) and we had it for supper. Truly a great meal.
Herb hopes to catch fish again some day. I have mixed feelings about it myself. Skinning, gutting and cleaning fish are not skills I've mastered along the way.
They're having a dinner here today. We decided we'd just have a day to ourselves. We've a great deal for which to be thankful. God has blessed us, undeserving as we are, with the opportunity to travel and enjoy this glorious country. As we travel, we see that the magnificence of His creation far outshines anything man has accomplished.
So here I am, all four feet ten inches tall, gray of hair and myopic of eye, embarking on a new project. I want to write.
What makes me think I can do that?
With two colleagues, I will have an article published in a refereed nursing journal early in 2007. I have prepared documents for Transplant Management Group (http://www.transplantmanagment.com) for which I am a senior consultant. I have prepared and presented speeches at two national meetings as well as submitting abstracts and posters for another. I once wrote an herbal newsletter for a limited number of subscribers which diminished greatly once I began charging for it! I've written "Wellness Corner" articles for my church newsletter, as well as some snappy prose as I recorded minutes for church business meetings. So there.
What experiences do I have to share?
So, to build a portfolio, I am writing articles hopefully for publication in RV magazines. I have two in the works, one about health issues on the road and another about a California condor we were privileged to see at the Grand Canyon.
Wish me success! Please!