Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Bird and I

I first saw a roadrunner in 2005 in El Paso, Texas. There he was, and then he was gone. Since that time I've been trying to photograph one. Herb says I'm not fast enough. No kidding--I'm not even half fast!

A couple of days ago Herb spotted one. I carefully eased out of the coach and approached slowly. He simply stood there, looking suspiciously in my direction.

I was coming closer and closer. He seemed to be trying to make up his mind about me and my intentions. I spoke a few words, but that didn't impress him at all. I began to wonder if he was injured.

I kept on coming and eventually he fluffed himself up andtrotted off a few steps.

He didn't look like the same bird. No longer tan and brown and flat, he now showed a cute topknot. I tried to keep him in focus. He'd trot a few steps, look back, and trot a few more. Eventually he turned his back.

He was getting nervous now. I tried to be as non-threatening as possible. But to say my reflexes are slow is to say bears really do that in the woods.

Anyway, by the time I could really get a good picture, he was ducking behind a bush. Oh, well.