Saturday, March 15, 2008

We Ride! Part 2

The desert is an amazing place. Where else can you find a saguaro shaped like a barber pole? We climbed up a few hills, allowing us to see for miles. There are some cattle feeding stations and irrigated croplands. The cattle area odors, quite an olfactory assault from close up, are much improved at this distance. I'm always delighted by the incredibly blue sky and you've heard me rave about the clear, clean air. It seems a healthier place to live.

Herb spoke several times about a spooky canyon he wanted us to see. He'd discovered it on his own the previous week. So we continued on, looking forward to seeing this area. We stopped whenever there was a place of interest or folks wanted to dismount and walk for a bit.

We came to the canyon eventually. No picture can truly represent its beauty and ruggedness. Giant steps led partway down into a deep chasm. The more daring among us descended, at least until the steps ran out! The view across to the mountains was awesome.

A great feature of riding with Herb is the trip home to Black Rock. Rarely does it involve traipsing over ground already covered. We returned across Highway 42E (fortunately all the ATVs involved are licensed street legal).
This was Lee and Peggy's first experience in riding with the rest of us. They were troopers, dealing with the steep areas without a peep and trailing right along with the rest of us. They enjoyed the adventure and new sights.
Here's hoping for another ride soon!

Friday, March 14, 2008

We Ride!

Herb has an amazing talent for finding and leading others on amazing ATV rides. Here's the group, except for Bob. Left to right, Roger and Connie, Kelly, Peggy and Lee, and me and the Herbinator. We set out on a beautiful, sunny day, each with our own interests: Rocks, gems, photos, riding, sightseeing, etc. Herb led the way out of Black Rock and along the trails. It was my second ride of the season. Peggy and Lee were taking their first ride. We saw a number of old mines along the way, including a narrow canyon with a steep wall of jasper stone.

We walked into the canyon until it narrowed greatly. Roger was climbing on the rocks and Connie was looking for rocks. There were timbers overhead in one area, not looking any too secure. We took a break, walking around the area and having a drink of water and snacks. It's very dry here and the weather is getting warmer.

The desert is surprisingly green just now with grasses and shrubs and small patches of yellow and purple flowers are everywhere. Some of the cholla look ready to bloom. I haven't seen saguaro blooming yet--in picture, the yellow and white blooms are huge.
ATVing is a dusty adventure, particularly for those following others and for passengers. We try to maintain a distance but stay close enough so everyone knows when to turn and where.

A truly amazing ride. Tomorrow I'll tell you about the hidden canyon and the view!