Some of you who reside in the cold country may have a difficult time identifying, but this winter was over before we knew it! Yesterday we assembled on our site for a goodbye party. I fixed some salads and Herb presided at the grill, producing hot dogs, brats and metts almost as fast as the folks wanted them! Some of the westerners had no clue about brats and metts; one thought metts were named after the baseball team. Our bosses, Sandy and Harlan were there; Harlan, as usual, continues to refer to me as Shorty (can't imagine why). Sandy, the best boss anyone could have, brought my favorite cookies. Chris, who also works in the office, brought a delicious crabmeat salad, and Bob, her husband, brought his great sense of humor. Linda Brown brought three homebaked pies which were the hit of the evening: Apple, French silk and black bottom. She cut them, too, knowing I'd massacre them if I did it. Her husband, Ron Brown, showed his Texas colors. It was fun calling him on the radio for propane and having him answer, "What can Brown do for you?" Anna Mae, our postmistress, brought homebaked cookies and her sweet self, and Perry brought his appetite! Deloris remembered to call me Jane instead of Sue for a change. Betty, our hostess for excellent cookouts all winter, brought some smoky sausages. Donna made rice and beans which were soon devoured and a tale of a naked man in the desert. There's actually a nudist colony not far from here. Her husband Bill is still remonstrating with Herb; Herb loaned his ATV to them to try out early in the season. They had barely made it out the back gate when Donna announced she had to have one. They now have a side-by-side ATV and have enjoyed many rides with Herb, the "trail boss."
It was so sad that Kelly could not be with us. She's got a terrible cold and didn't want to spread it--but helped us out with chips, plates, glasses, and the loan of a crock-pot (mine bit the dust over St. Patrick's Day). Her husband Bob regaled us with his adventures as a traffic-reporting airplane pilot in Phoenix. He once reported on the air, intending to say he was taking a peek over east Phoenix, accidentally substituting "leak!" After that, the station kept asking him just where he was, as people were concerned!
Bob and Kelly had loaned us their outdoor fireplace. As the sun went down and it cooled off, everyone gathered around it, continuing to visit and watch the stars.
It was a great way to end our winter at Black Rock, a place where we feel very much at home.